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Why anti-choicers are anti-woman

20 Apr

Allow me to make my disclaimer up front – I understand that some people who don’t believe in abortion have honest, valid reasons and do their best to support women in other ways. I really do. This post is not directed at those individuals. Okay, got that? Good, moving on.

In my debates or mere “eavesdropping” with anti-choicers, I often hear that they’re just trying to “save the woman.” To which I say please. You could care less about that woman. You don’t even really care all that much about your precious fetus. You only care about slut-shaming.

Yeah, I said it.

How could I say such terrible things? Let’s think about this for a minute. You stand outside Planned Parenthood, a.k.a. “The Enemy,” protesting and screaming profanities at the poor women who go in there. Unfortunately, you fail to realize or accept that abortion only makes up 3% of Planned Parenthood’s services, while the rest are life-saving exams, cancer screenings, STI testing, birth control (which, hey, prevents pregnancy and abortion), and education. You berate women who choose to have an abortion for a variety of reasons. You lie about pregnancy statistics to attempt to get your way. All in the name of the fetus.

Who needs a voice anyway?

What you don’t do is support the woman, even if she chooses to keep the baby. According to the USDA, “It will cost a middle-class U.S. family about $222,360 to raise a child born in 2009 to the age of 17.” That’s more money than some people will ever make, but I don’t see you guiding these women to a better job or helping them raise their child. I don’t even see you helping women make smarter sexual choices before getting pregnant – in fact, you’re often against comprehensive sex education, which drastically reduces the rate of teenage pregnancy. Finally, you’re trying to dismantle an organization that provides this education and free or low-cost birth control to women so that women don’t have to make that difficult choice.


But, wait, women have the right to choose? No wonder you hate us.