Tag Archives: Lisa Edelstein

Lisa Edelstein and MoveOn create repro rights ad

16 Feb

In a bold move, Lisa Edelstein teamed up with repro rights champions MoveOn.org to create an ad about abortion and women’s rights. Lisa narrates about the multiple attacks on women’s rights while she walks down a hallway. I particularly like this line: “So when the Republican Party launched an all out assault on women’s health, pushing bills to limit access to vital services, why is the GOP trying to send women back … to the back alley?” The ad ends with her opening the door to a coat hanger.

Check out the video: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/16/house-actress-lisa-edelst_n_823972.html?ir=Politics

I like this ad because it screams honesty. Women who are considering an abortion are not heartless, cruel people who do this every so often. They’re women who understand that they have – and deserve! – options. They’re scared, not only because it’s a medical procedure, but because they know uncaring people will shame them for the choice they have every right to make. Most of all, this ad is right – that’s an option that we will drive women back to if the anti-choicers who “respect life” win.